Unfortunately due to the stress of  living in a heteronormative culture, many LGBTQIA individuals suffer from mental-health related issues and trauma. The core of this trauma can be the lived experience of feeling different and not accepted by others from an early age. This can have lasting effects into adulthood, such as masking your authentic self.  But I am here to tell you, that healing is possible.

I help clients to explore their sexuality and gender, as well as navigating the coming out process. I also work with same-sex and transgender couples, helping them to strengthen their relationship or overcome issues related sex.

if you’ve experienced…

  • Feelings of social isolation
  • Trouble coming out
  • Feelings of despair
  • Physical symptoms like headaches, sweating, shakes & jumpiness, trouble concentrating, a frequent need to urinate, or stomach uneasiness
  • A need to mask substance abuse like heavy alcohol or drug use, or high risk sexual activities
  • Pressure to be someone other than who you feel you are

Or if you’ve often thought…

  • “It’s safer to stay at home.”
  • “I’d rather be dead.”
  • “I don’t matter.”
  • “If only my body looked like that…”
  • “Why don’t I feel like…?”

Then I’m relieved you are reading this. We provide not just an LGBTQIA+ Friendly environment but AFFIRMING environment.

I look forward to providing you professional help in a supportive, trusting environment. If you’re looking for an understanding ear, please contact me today for an appointment.